Chapter 13 (Product Reviews 1995)

V13: PR: Behold by John Sweeney
V13: PR: SuperCharts by John Sweeney
V13:3 (551-552): PR: Option Master for Newton by John Sweeney
V13:2: PR: audiTrack - by John Sweeney
V13 (555-556): Product Review: Neural Works Predict for Windows, v.1.0 by S. Jack Karczewskiby
V13:2: PR: Reuters by John Sweeney
V13:2: PR: Visual Pattern Designer - By John Sweeney
V13:3 (563-564): PR: Monocle by Thom Hartle
V13:3 (565-567): PR: Stock Doctor Version 3.13 by John Sweeney
V13:3 (568-569): PR: Mesa For Windows by John Sweeney
V13:4 (570-571): SB: PR Mathcad Plus 5.0 for Windows - By John Sweeney
V13:4 (572-574): PR Finance Pack for Mathematica - by John Sweeney
V13 (575-576): PR: Time to Trade By John Sweeney
V13 (577-578): PR: U.S. Equity OnFloppy, v.4.0 - Technical Analysis, Inc.
V13 (579-581): PR: FastTrack, v.3.5 by John Sweeney
V13 (582-585): PR: MetaStock for Windows, v.5 by John Sweeney
V13 (586-589): PR: TradeStation, v. 3.5 by Fred G. Schutzman, CMT
V13 (590-591): PR: Money Maker for Windows, v.2.0 by John Sweeney
V13 (592-594): PR: TT ChartBook, version C by Thom Hartle
V13 (595-597): PR: Signal for Windows by John Sweeney
V13 (598-599): PR: DataCaster, NetCaster by John Sweeeney
V13 (600-603): PR: OptionVue IV, v.1.70 by John Sweeney
V13 (604): PR: Asset Allocator by John Sweeney
V13 (605-608): PR: Advanced GET, v.6.05 by Technical Analysis, Inc.
V13 (609-611): PR: Option Simulator/Real-Time, v.1.0 by John Sweeney
V13 (612-614): PR: Tools for timing by John Sweeney
V13 (615-619): PR: Optionomics OnLine System 2.01 - Technical Analysis, Inc.
V13 (619-622): PR: SuperCharts 3.0 by Technical Analysis, Inc.
V13 (623-625): PR: VectorVest ProGraphics, v.1 By Technical Analysis, Inc.
V13 (626-628): PR: Personal Hotline by Technical Analysis, Inc.
V13 (629-630): PR: SHIVA, version 1.0 by Technical Analysis, Inc.
V13 (631-633): PR: Dow Jones Private Investor Edition by Technical Analysis, Inc.
V13 (634-637): PR: A Private Tutorial with Bill Williams by Thom Hartle
V13 (638-641): PR: AIQ TradingExpert for Windows by Technical Analysis, Inc.
V13 (642-645): PR: Stock Prophet, version 2.0 by John Sweeney
V13 (608): SB:PR: Automating Elliott wave - Technical Analysis, Inc.
V13 (644): SB:PR: Brainmaker - Technical Analysis, Inc.
V13:4 (572-574): SB: PR Finance Pack for Mathematica - Technical Analysis, Inc.
V13 (597): SB:PR: Market Advisories Available on Signal - Technical Analysis, Inc.
V13:3 (553): SB: Option Master The Apple Newton - Technical Analysis, Inc.
V13 (616): SB:PR: Strategist - Technical Analysis, Inc.
V13: SB: PR: SuperCharts by John Sweeney
V13 (608): SB:PR: Technical Analysis tools - Technical Analysis, Inc.

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