V13 (609-611): PR: Option Simulator/Real-Time, v.1.0 by John Sweeney

V13 (609-611): PR: Option Simulator/Real-Time, v.1.0 by John Sweeney
Item# \V13\C13\PR609.PDF
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Product Description

Option Simulator/Real-Time By John Sweeney

Option Simulator/Real-Time from Bay Options automatically finds the best options positions and estimates volatility skew, implied and historical volatility.

In 1992, STOCKS & COMMODITIES reviewed with accolades Bay Options' Option Simulator program. In 1995, with the latest program version, the news gets even better: Option Simulator/Real-Time adds a real-time data hook to constantly upgrade the analytics. Bay Options was able to append that previously missing feature by using Data Broadcasting Corp.'s Signal for Windows product as a data server. However, Option Simulator/Real-Time can still be used without external data or with data from a database.

At Bay Options, president Rudi Binnewies's goal has been to get sophisticated real-time options analytics into the hands of retail traders for a reasonable price, and he's succeeded. In addition, he's included historical data to the package, tying index options to a futures contract (with a fixed basis). He's added the display of LEAPSİ as well as regular options. So how do the features stack up?

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