V13:3 (565-567): PR: Stock Doctor Version 3.13 by John Sweeney
Product Description
Stock Doctor Version 3.13 - By John Sweeney
Steven Kearns decided to write his own package, one that would have the
indicators he'd developed himself. The result? Stock Doctor!
Not satisfied with king-of-the-hill MetaStock's analytics, programming and optimization, Steven Kearns decided
to write his own package. The new package would have the indicators he'd developed himself, those too difficult
to program in MetaStock, SuperCharts or Windows on WallStreet, and it would incorporate his emphasis on
statistically describing the profit potential in trading.
Voilą! You get Stock Doctor!
There's little wasted motion on Stock Doctor. The trial version comes as a fully functional program that simply
won't work on any new data. You purchase the program by calling for a password and downloading current data
from Worden Brothers (TC2000 signup is free with the purchase of Stock Doctor). That done, pop to page 8 of the
manual for the tutorial (most of the manual is in tutorial format) and set up the securities you want to track, whether
they are in MetaStock, Technical Tools or TC2000 format.
Next, you ask the program for its buy/sell signals (Figure 1). Just by selecting a few options (sample trading rules,
investment level, commissions), you're ready to get results (Figure 2).
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