V13:4 (572-574): PR Finance Pack for Mathematica - by John Sweeney

V13:4 (572-574): PR Finance Pack for Mathematica - by John Sweeney
Item# \V13\V13\PR572.PDF
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Product Description

Finance Pack For Mathematica For Windows 2.2.3 - by John Sweeney

Using Mathematica to toy with interest rates when so many of these functions are menu items in spreadsheets might strike an analyst as overkill, given the typing interface Mathematica uses.

On the other hand, Mathematica offers scientific types amenities that they like, such as the notebook-like presentation. Further, they don't mind fussing with capitalization, spacing, commas and FORTRAN-like specification of parameters. Most of all, they want the power in Mathematica.

Mathematica, of course, is the academic world's "killer application," the program that created a new environment for calculation-intensive work. Mathe-matica's ability to take someone's typed-in jottings and evaluate them immediately on the screen, showing results, graphics and text, made data exploration and manipulation lead naturally to a better understanding of mathematical concepts.

Though imitations have appeared, Mathematica's low price, larger array of functions and balanced capabilities in presentation and interface have kept the program in the lead. Like its competitors, Mathematica has extended its reach to specialized fields by providing packages of functions designed just for that profession, in this case finance.

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