V13 (582-585): PR: MetaStock for Windows, v.5 by John Sweeney

V13 (582-585): PR: MetaStock for Windows, v.5 by John Sweeney
Item# \V13\C13\PR582.PDF
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Product Description

MetaStock For Windows Version 5.0 - By John Sweeney

I've called MetaStock the "all-time heavyweight of technical analysis programs," and I've continued to recommend EQUIS International's standard-bearer when hot-and-heavy competitors Omega Research and MarketArts got their Windows products out the door years before EQUIS did. Now EQUIS has brought out MetaStock for Windows and as far as I'm concerned, it's still the one.

What took EQUIS so long was full implementation of Windows' capabilities, particularly object-oriented programming and drag and drop-style implementation. It's perfectly possible to create a menu-based application in Windows, and to do so quickly, but it takes a lot longer to define the entire environment (the screen that you see) as a set of objects (price plot, window borders, trendlines, indicators, you name it) lying on top of each other, variously visible and invisible to the user, each having "properties" (appearance, parameters, links to other objects and so on) and interacting with each other.

In an object-oriented program, an object can be picked up and put somewhere else, where, once placed, it must make sense to the user. Since it could be placed anywhere on the screen (such as the desktop or the title bar or even where it's supposed to go), all contingencies (literally millions of them when the screen is constantly changing) must be covered within the context of the program's purpose, in this case efficient technical analysis.

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