V13 (586-589): PR: TradeStation, v. 3.5 by Fred G. Schutzman, CMT
Product Description
TradeStation Version 3.5 - by Fred G. Schutzman, CMT
Over the years, I've used many of the better technical analysis and trading system development software
Over the years, I've used many of the better technical analysis and trading system development software packages available. I've found that while one may have the best data, another will have the best charts. As you might
expect, no one package is the best in all areas, and Omega Research's TradeStation is no exception. Its greatest
strength, and what makes this package the most useful software I have ever seen, is its ability to perform historical
trading system development and then monitor these systems in real time. TradeStation has a few weaknesses, such
as its limited printing capabilities, but most of these weaknesses are of minor significance.
I am a professional technical analyst who has had direct input into trading decisions, both through the use of
mechanical trading systems I developed myself and on a discretionary basis. My objective here is to tell you what
TradeStation is really capable of. Although TradeStation is in fact an intraday charting package, which is actually a
very significant point, I will instead concentrate on using end-of-day data.
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