V13 (644): SB:PR: Brainmaker - Technical Analysis, Inc.
Product Description
Brainmaker - Technical Analysis, Inc.
California Scientific Software has sold thousands of copies of its BrainMaker neural network development software,
and it's usually the neural network trainer of choice for Stock Prophet users. You must have BrainMaker (standard
version, $195, or professional version, $795) or another neural network program (such as N-TRAIN from Scientific
Consultant Services) to receive advance signals from a neural net indicator created in Stock Prophet.
Curiously, throughout the process of creating indicators in Stock Prophet and outputting the data to BrainMaker to
perform the neural net analysis of your indicators, you actually don't see much of BrainMaker. Stock Prophet
includes commands that fire up BrainMaker, so all you need to do is invoke and cut off training of your data.
Conveniently, Stock Prophet sets up the network structure (including number of inputs, number of neuron layers
and so forth) before you ever venture into BrainMaker. With all the homework done, your only real decision is
which display to watch as the network trains.
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