V13 (612-614): PR: Tools for timing by John Sweeney

V13 (612-614): PR: Tools for timing by John Sweeney
Item# \V13\C13\PR612.PDF
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Product Description

Tools for Timing By John Sweeney

MIRAT is a mechanical trading system and is the objective core of all three Tools for Timing packages. It implements the idea that market bottoms can be identified by new market lows.

Timer includes the basic timing model in MIRAT but adds many more indicators, making for a method of timing the overall market. The indicators in this program measure changes in trading patterns that define and predict market cycles.

Timer Professional comes with extras such as stock and index data and a training game. The user's judgment and expertise adds value to the mechanical trading system at the base of the program.

M ichael Burk, founder of Tools for Timing, bucks the trend of many experts with his belief that he believes it is possible to time the stock market and that anyone can do it. He created the concepts expressed in Tools for Timing's stock market timing program Timer. In fact, he detailed his thinking on some of these concepts a few years back in several STOCKS & COMMODITIES articles. Timer implements the idea that market bottoms can be identified by new market lows. Together with other indicators included in Timer, this makes for a method to time the overall market.

Subsequently, he accepted the challenge of making this somewhat subjective theory objective, succeeding with the program MIRAT (Mechanical Intermediate Range Timer). Since MIRAT is objective and its performance can be back tested, MIRAT is considered first here. Then, discussion of the more subjective approach found in Timer and Timer Professional follows. It is helpful to keep in mind, though, which program came first.

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