V13 (623-625): PR: VectorVest ProGraphics, v.1 By Technical Analysis, Inc.
Product Description
VectorVest ProGraphics Version 1.0 by Technical Analysis, Inc.
VectorVest ProGraphics software analyzes, sorts, searches, screens, ranks and
graphs more than 4,000 stocks, 190 industry groups and 50 industry sectors
using a combination of both technical and fundamental factors.
VectorVest ProGraphics software from VectorVest Stock Advisory started off as a method of determining the
value of stocks, a quest that theorists and practitioners have pursued for years. The theory goes that during the course of a stock's price history, price must eventually revert to value. With appropriate analysis, VectorVest
ProGraphics users will find stocks of good value before the crowd finds them.
VectorVest (VV) approaches the task of determining stock value by computing a value relative to AAA corporate
bonds. Then a safety measure is computed based on consistency of earnings and beta. Finally, the timing is based on
trailing 13-week price performance. Each statistic is scaled in a range of 0 to 2.00. Ratings above 1.00 are favorable,
while those below 1.00 are not. The program's summary statistic, the VST-vector, is the square root of the summed,
squared values, which is also the classic vector solution.
Not that stock value ratings are the only information provided by the service. A typical VectorVest report from the
advisory service includes not only the components listed above, but also a growth rate for forecasted earnings in the
coming year, plus a buy/hold/sell recommendation replete with stop.
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