V13 (590-591): PR: Money Maker for Windows, v.2.0 by John Sweeney

V13 (590-591): PR: Money Maker for Windows, v.2.0 by John Sweeney
Item# \V13\C13\PR590.PDF
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Product Description

Money Maker For Windows Version 2.0 by John Sweeney

When you open up Money Maker Analyzer, you get a spreadsheet-like affair (Figure 1) that is the rule-of-thumb approach to estimating stock prices. It's an easy, straightforward approach that most people can probably appreciate: plug in seven estimators (usually from current values) and the program swiftly projects everything, including the stock price, forward for several years (Figure 2), just like that.

That's just one of Money Maker's conveniences. Arrayed across the top of the figures are options for analyzing bonds, mutual funds, options, futures and real estate. Each area has four or five to-the-point takes on investing in the specific medium.

For example, pop up futures and you get long or short speculation and long or short hedging calculations (Figure 3). Look under the menu for real estate (Figure 4) and cut to the chase when you're trying to do a residential real estate deal. The bond button gives you pricing, yield to maturity, yield to call, realized yield and duration. Mutual funds? No problem. No-load yield, low-load yield and net asset values (NAV) are promptly available.

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