V13:2: PR: audiTrack - by John Sweeney

V13:2: PR: audiTrack - by John Sweeney
Item# \V13\C13\PR554.PDF
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Product Description

Auditrack - By John Sweeney

Auditrack has set up a full-bore trading desk with links to actual brokerage firms to simulate the trading executions that might actually be received if trades were going in real time.

As it turns out, there is a way to develop trading instincts without risking $50,000 to $250,000 on a beginner. Auditrack has set up a full-bore trading desk with links to live price feeds and actual brokerage houses to simulate the trading executions that might actually be received if trades were going in real time. Based on the fills these houses provide, Auditrack performs all the accounting and reporting that a typical brokerage would to create a track record with absolutely no hindsight.

You can get called-back fills, daily recaps, daily statements, monthly statements, equity runs and CFTC/NFA formatted track records certified by an independent accountant. In other words, without putting in capital you might not have or wish to risk, you can develop an objectively prepared, fully marketable track record through Auditrack's services.

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