V13 (605-608): PR: Advanced GET, v.6.05 by Technical Analysis, Inc.

V13 (605-608): PR: Advanced GET, v.6.05 by Technical Analysis, Inc.
Item# \V13\C13\PR605.PDF
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Product Description

Advanced GET by Technical Analysis, Inc.

If you've ever wanted a quantifiable approach to Elliott wave analysis, you'll find it in the Advanced GET technical analysis software from Trading Techniques.

Typically, Advanced GET's stable of customers are seasoned retail and institutional traders who have survived the rigors of early training in technical analysis and moved on to the exotica of Elliott wave, Gann theory, patterns, pivots, webs, clusters, cardinal values, seasonals, cycles and ripples.

Nearly two thirds of the customers who joined up as charter subscribers with Trading Techniques at its inception in 1987 are still using the software today, and every upgrade generates a loyal response of over 75%, such is the fascination with this technical analysis powerhouse. What, in this day of $250 do-everything technical analysis packages, could possibly consistently lure people into spending 10 times that much?

Primarily, it's the Elliott wave projections that users find so fascinating, but more on that later.

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