V13:3 (568-569): PR: Mesa For Windows by John Sweeney

V13:3 (568-569): PR: Mesa For Windows by John Sweeney
Item# \V13\C13\PR568.PDF
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Product Description

MESA for Windows Version 1.5 - by John Sweeney

MESA is solidly based theoretically and experientially. Further, in MESA for Windows, everything is done graphically.

How about a program for accurately measuring cycles (one or more) in price data, predicting futures prices based on cyclic content and determining whether the market is in a trading range or trending mode? What if it automatically tuned the bandpass indicator (an oscillator presented in the September 1994 STOCKS & COMMODITIES), showed phase so you could anticipate entry or exit and provided a spectrum so you could judge signal quality?

All graphically? What would your reaction be?

MESA version 4, reviewed here in its DOS incarnation in November 1993, does all that. Loaded on your trusty personal computer, MESA 4 can access many common datafile formats directly before running its automated maximum entropy spectral analysis (MESA, like the product). Alternatively, data may be entered manually through an included subroutine. Periodicity can be anything.

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