V13 (577-578): PR: U.S. Equity OnFloppy, v.4.0 - Technical Analysis, Inc.
Product Description
U.S. Equities OnFloppy Version 4.0 - Technical Analysis, Inc.
Analysts want to apply their ideas to a universe of stocks to find trading
possibilities. That creates a market for those who can supply software to find
gems, such as U.S. Equities OnFloppy.
S orting, ranking, screening, scoring - what's the deal here? The answer: As analytical capacity and productivity
have grown, there needs to be more tradables fed into the maw of the number-crunchers and more opportunities to
discover some unappreciated value. Whether they are fundamentalists, technicians or a combination of both, modern
analysts want to apply their ideas to a large universe of stocks to find trading possibilities. That creates a market for
data and software vendors (both of which have swung at this) who can supply software to find gems - which brings
us to Morningstar's U.S. Equities OnFloppy (USEOF).
USEOF is a weekly, monthly or quarterly data dump via a disk that is mailed to you containing the fundamental data
of more than 6,000 stocks. On the disk, one finds things such as pricing, yields, price/earnings ratio, ownership,
income state and balance sheet values, cash flow, capital expenditures, inventories, return on assets (ROA)/return on
earnings (ROE)/return on investment (ROI), quick ratios - well, you get the point (Figure 1). The only thing I'd have
added would have been 20-day volatility numbers.
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