V13: SB: PR: SuperCharts by John Sweeney

V13: SB: PR: SuperCharts by John Sweeney
Item# \V13\C13\SIDESUP.PDF
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Product Description

SuperCharts by John Sweeney

The marked increase in technical support requests has been daunting. On the one hand, the software developers are expanding their market beyond the traditional quantitatively oriented, do-it-yourself investor to increase software sales, at the same time employing ever more exotic programming to increase the attractiveness of their software. On the other hand, this new cloud of investors needs more handholding than the old crew who often took perverse pleasure in figuring out workarounds for bugs, parameter glitches and obstreperous graphic displays.

The new crowd will have none of that. They've been taught that they can call anytime for over-the-phone answers from a real person. Unfortunately, it can't happen in a niche market. In general, calling some of these tech support services, not just Omega Research, is often an exercise in patience despite innovative attempts on the vendors' parts:

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