V13 (619-622): PR: SuperCharts 3.0 by Technical Analysis, Inc.

V13 (619-622): PR: SuperCharts 3.0 by Technical Analysis, Inc.
Item# \V13\C13\PR619.PDF
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Product Description

SuperCharts 3.0 With Bonus CD Database By Technical Analysis, Inc.

Supercharts 3.0 includes a bonus CD with a massive historical database and the ability to update it with just one click.

Omega Research was the first to commit to designing its software for running in the Windows environment, gambling that this technology would be the way consumers would soon interact with their personal computers. It was a great call on their part, because today every Dos computer comes with Windows installed. With hindsight, the decision to committing to Windows may seem obvious, but at the time it was still a risky proposition. Looking forward again, Omega is working to maintain its lead by once more incorporating the boldest and newest science for their software, in this case CD-Rom technology, into its latest version of SuperCharts. This step forward is basically free to the consumer, because the price of SuperCharts 3.0 with the bonus CD database is the same price as the previous version, SuperCharts 2.1.

So what do you get with this step? Well, one thing we all want is data, and with SuperCharts 3.0, you get a ton of it. Through a joint offer with Dial Data, the compact disc version comes with 25 years of historical data for more than 18,000 symbols. Included are all US stocks, Canadian stocks, US mutual funds and indices, futures data from June 1993 on, as well as current fundamental data on 8,000 US stocks. Omega's goal was to give the user a massive historical database on CD and the ability to update and maintain the database with just one click. The bonus CD is an incredible value. However, you don't have to use it to consider using SuperCharts 3.0 because there are other new features, so let's start at the beginning.

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