Chapter 14 (Product Reviews 1997)

V.15:14 (605-608): Product Review: MetaStock 6.0 for Windows 95 and NT  by Thom Hartle
V.15:14 (610-613): Option Simulator/RT, version 2.0  by Jack Karczewski
V.15:14 (614-615): Futura Pro  by Staff Writer
V.15:14 (616-619): CycleTrader, version 2.0  by Barbara Star, Ph.D.
V.15:14 (620-622): Financial Toolbox  by John Sweeney
V.15:14 (623-624): OmniTrader,version 2.5  by John Sweeney
V.15:14 (625-628): Value Line Fund Analyzer, version 1.1   by John Sweeney
V.15:14 (629-630): Inside TA Pro, version 3.02  by John Sweeney
V.15:14 (631-632): ULTRA Market Advisor, version 4.13  by John Sweeney
V.15:14 (633-637): AIQ TradingExpert, version 3.21  by John Sweeney
V.15:14 (638): Option Master second edition  by John Sweeney
V.15:14 (639-641): Structure Version 2.0  by Thom Hartle
V.15:14 (646: Product Review: A-T Attitude  by John Sweeney
V.15:14 (646): Formula Research  by Thom Hartle
V.15:14 (647-649): Product Review: Time To Trade 2  by John Sweeney
V.15:14 (650-653): SuperCharts Real Time, version 4  by John Sweeney
V.15:14 (654-657): NeuroGenetic Optimizer, version 2.5  by Howard Bandy, Ph.D.
V.15:14 (658): Product Review: Risk Of Ruin  by John Sweeney
V15:14 (659-662): Product Review: OptionStation, version 1.2  by John Sweeney
V.15:14 (663-666): Product Review: The Galactic Trader  by Raymond A. Merriman
V.15:14 (667-668): Product Review: PC Financial Network's Maximizer for Windows, Version 2  by John Sweeney
V.15:14 (669-670): Systems & Indicators, version 1.0  by John Sweeney
V.15:14 (671-673): Product Review: Minitab Statistical Systems  by John Sweeney
V.15:14 (674-676): VectorVest ProGraphics, version 4.0  by John Sweeney
V.15:14 (677-680): Product Review: Unfair Advantage, version 1.54  by John Sweeney
V.15:14 (681-682): Product Review: OpCalc Professional 3.50  by John Sweeney
V.15:14 (683-688): Product Review: Robert Krausz's Fibonacci Trader, version 1.93  by Thom Hartle
V.15:14 (689-690): Product Review: Investor's Reference Library, version 5.0  by John Sweeney
V.15:14 (691-692): Product Review: Resampling Stats for PC or Macintosh  by John Sweeney
V.15:14 SirTrade 97, version 1.10c  by John Sweeney
V.15:14 (696-699): Product Review: Performance Summary Plus/Portfolio Evaluator  by John Sweeney

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