V.15:14 (671-673): Product Review: Minitab Statistical Systems by John Sweeney

V.15:14 (671-673): Product Review: Minitab Statistical Systems  by John Sweeney
Item# \V15\C14\PR671.PDF
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Product Description

Minitab Statistical Software, Release 11 (Minitab, Inc.). Statistical analysis software. by John Sweeney

Uncertainty numbs the mind, whereas statistics have a way of numbing the mind to uncertainty. This uncertainty reduces us to an irrational state of anxiety, wherein we imagine that the tools we employ will somehow exert control over the uncontrollable. Traders constantly search for the secret rules that will tell them what will happen tomorrow, and they continue to search until they burn out or begin to grasp the concept of probability. As the grasp becomes firmer on that concept, the notion of chances and odds becomes real, and at that point, a trader might turn to statistical software to create a picture of the behavior of the beast with which he dances.

Of several university packages for statistical analysis, Minitab is among the most popular. Designed originally for statistical instruction, bulked the contributions over the years from thousands of users and commercialized now for 13 years, Minitab is supported by more than 500 statistics texts and is ubiquitous in academia and commerce.

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