V.15:14 SirTrade 97, version 1.10c by John Sweeney

V.15:14 SirTrade 97, version 1.10c  by John Sweeney
Item# \V15\C14\PR693.PDF
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Product Description

SirTrade 97, version 1.10c by John Sweeney

New ideas surround the US trader facing SirTrade 97. There’s the intrigue of “neurofuzzy.” The software comes in two parts (“SAFIR-X The Assistant,” for Smart Adaptive Fuzzy Inference Resource, from Jewel-Soft) and SirTrade 97 (a TradeStation run-time for neurofuzzy systems); the manual’s English is occasionally uncertain and often literally in color; and the understated promise of real-time training sounds seductive. And where are the trading signals? Nevertheless, some sweat and strain bears results, and SAFIR-X/SirTrade comes up with some very good results.

To check this out, I loaded SAFIR-X and tested it on some off-line data from TradeStation. Although system development actually takes place outside of TradeStation, you first create an indicator or set of indicators in TradeStation. These print out their results to an ASCII file, so you don’t have to be in TradeStation to do your testing. Just as well. If you really go wild with the number of fuzzy sets, the program can bring your machine to its knees in the middle of your trading session. (A set is a sub-group of data with more or less of a specific characteristic, such as a relation to tomorrow’s close or an indicator’s value.) Better, developer Pierre Orphelin says, is to run the testing on a separate machine.

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