V.15:14 (610-613): Option Simulator/RT, version 2.0 by Jack Karczewski

V.15:14 (610-613): Option Simulator/RT, version 2.0  by Jack Karczewski
Item# \V15\C14\PR610.PDF
Availability: In Stock

Product Description

Rules for decision logic-based seasonal trading by Jack Karczewski

Option Simulator/RT from Bay Options is a complete options analytics program. It’s user-friendly, yet sophisticated, and very fast when used on a computer with the requisite memory and speed. Within a short time, you’ll appreciate the thought that went into the development of this program. Some key features include the ability to scan the stock options, index options and futures options markets in real-time for potential trades. You can search for unusually heavy volume, high implied volatilities or other flags of special situations. In fact, there are 30 option variables as well as 15 more variables based on the underlying asset for screening. In addition, you can cus-tomize the quote displays and keep an eye on your entire option portfolio; multiple issues can be presented on one screen. Plus, there is a simulator to perform what-if scenarios. And Option Simulator’s evaluators and date func-tions can be used with Microsoft Excel or Visual BASIC.


I initially ran the program on a 486-75 with 16 MB of RAM using end-of-day data, and the program ran well. Subsequently, with the decline in computer memory prices, I upgraded my computers, and with 32 MB of RAM the program flew on both the 486 and the Pentium.

Before writing this review, I had a working familiarity with Option Simulator version 1. Now, with version 2.0, the new interface and format in the real- time version is a worthwhile up-grade. Version 2.0 takes full advantage of all the Windows 95 graphics and computing power, the end result being an intuitive program, one that novices and experienced options traders will easily run.

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