V.15:14 (663-666): Product Review: The Galactic Trader by Raymond A. Merriman

V.15:14 (663-666): Product Review: The Galactic Trader  by Raymond A. Merriman
Item# \V15\C14\PR663.PDF
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Product Description

The Galactic Trader (PAS Inc.). Market timing analysis via financial astrology and selective Gann methods. by Raymond A. Merriman

Using astrological signatures as a market timing tool for identifying potential major reversals in financial and commodity markets is a phenomenon that has grown rapidly in the past 15 years. Much to the chagrin of many analysts and advisors who employ only conventional methods of fundamental and technical analysis — and steadfastly refuse to consider the possibility of astrology as a market timing indicator on the belief that “it shouldn’t work and therefore it doesn’t work” — there is a growing number of traders, investors, brokers and fund managers who find uncanny correlations between certain planetary and lunar cycles to significant crests and troughs in market prices.


The study of astrology has been around for thousands of years. Its correlation to market prices has been referred to in the works of George Bayer, Gustave Lambert- Brahy, Donald Bradley, David Williams and W.D. Gann, as well as others, during the first half of this century. However, it wasn’t until 1977 that any formal quantitative studies on the subject were initiated, and soon thereafter the interest in the field began to grow.

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