V.15:14 (639-641): Structure Version 2.0 by Thom Hartle

V.15:14 (639-641): Structure Version 2.0  by Thom Hartle
Item# \V15\C14\PR639.PDF
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Product Description

Structure, Version 2.0 (Nava Development Corp.). Charting software, data downloader and data translator. by Thom Hartle

Structure, NAVA Development Corp.’s most recent product, aims to provide a more visual tool for traders. Structure is a step in a direction different from NAVA’s other primary program, Patterns, which is a quantitative program. Patterns will review your data, test for specific price patterns, and detail the past as well as project future price actions. Structure, on the other hand, is not a tool with a quantitative emphasis.

NAVA has designed into Structure some innovative charting styles as well as a unique interface for the trader (Figure 1). Here, you can find extensive use of drag-and-drop and other object-oriented features. The goal is to give you a blank slate, one that can be customized just the way you want it; you’re not locked into a format dictated by the requirements of, say, Microsoft. Innovation is certainly a good thing, and should be encouraged. The downside to innovation is that one can be accustomed to a certain way of doing things, and an innovative approach, while new and intriguing, will not necessarily be intuitive. But enough discussion. Let’s get to the attributes of Structure.

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