V.15:14 (639-641): Structure Version 2.0 by Thom Hartle
Product Description
Structure, Version 2.0 (Nava Development Corp.). Charting software, data downloader and data translator. by Thom Hartle
Structure, NAVA Development
Corp.’s most recent
product, aims to provide a
more visual tool for traders.
Structure is a step in a direction
different from NAVA’s other primary
program, Patterns, which is a quantitative
program. Patterns will review
your data, test for specific price patterns,
and detail the past as well as
project future price actions. Structure,
on the other hand, is not a tool with a
quantitative emphasis.
NAVA has designed into Structure
some innovative charting styles as well
as a unique interface for the trader (Figure
1). Here, you can find extensive use
of drag-and-drop and other object-oriented
features. The goal is to give you a
blank slate, one that can be customized just the way you want it; you’re not
locked into a format dictated by the
requirements of, say, Microsoft. Innovation
is certainly a good thing, and
should be encouraged. The downside to
innovation is that one can be accustomed
to a certain way of doing things,
and an innovative approach, while new
and intriguing, will not necessarily be
intuitive. But enough discussion. Let’s
get to the attributes of Structure.
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