V.15:14 (674-676): VectorVest ProGraphics, version 4.0 by John Sweeney

V.15:14 (674-676): VectorVest ProGraphics, version 4.0  by John Sweeney
Item# \V15\C14\PR674.PDF
Availability: In Stock

Product Description

VectorVest ProGraphics, Version 4.0 (Marketsoft Inc.). Stock selection software. by John Sweeney

How’d you like to effectively screen stock picks from a list of 6,000 equities instead of just buying a mutual fund, or have a program that gives you the buys and sells? That includes data service? And includes a strong market timing capability? VectorVest gets you into that mode.

VectorVest (the name refers to “vectors” of stock selection parameters such as value, safety and timing) is designed to be used by nontechnicians and novices to intermediate stockpickers. Even so, many of its users are power pickers: money managers, experienced private investors and financial advisors. Why is that? VectorVest comes with a database, a straightforward rationale for its picks, a mostly proprietary stock screening capability, a facility for showing industry group comparisons and, according to the company, a highly accurate market timing system. Even better, it’s genuinely easy to use. Not bad for $50 a month.

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