V.15:14 (620-622): Financial Toolbox by John Sweeney

V.15:14 (620-622): Financial Toolbox  by John Sweeney
Item# \V15\C14\PR620.PDF
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Product Description

Financial Toolbox (The Mathworks, Inc.) by John Sweeney

MATLAB, which is short for matrix laboratory, is a huge assemblage of computational code that’s found its lifeforce in the worlds of engineering and academia. The idea behind mathematical packages such as MATLAB is to take the development of mathematics off a piece of paper and automate the process in a computer. The continually evolving result in MATLAB is a program with more than 500 math and matrix manipulation functions, a wide variety of analytical graphics, and a high-speed computational engine, all enveloped in an interpreted language that humans can use to specify what they want. There’s a version of MATLAB for just about any computer platform, and it can also use C and Fortran subroutines written elsewhere.

MATLAB and Financial Toolbox are aimed at those who’ve reached the limits of spreadsheet power, are mathematically astute and can handle programming at the macro or basic level.

Obviously, the typical trader, either retail or institutional, is not going to have the time for (or be comfy with) this environment, let alone integrate it into his daily trading stream. Most analytical development for trading uses spreadsheets, in-house software, dedicated trading software or pencil and paper. ...

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