V.15:14 (669-670): Systems & Indicators, version 1.0 by John Sweeney

V.15:14 (669-670): Systems & Indicators, version 1.0  by John Sweeney
Item# \V15\C14\PR669.PDF
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Product Description

Dennis Meyers Systems & Indicators, Version 1.0 (Meyers Analytics, LLC). A collection of indicators and trading systems for trading the S&P 500 index and bond funds. by John Sweeney

Sometimes, you actually get more than you pay for. With Systems & Indicators, you get fully disclosed, profitable trading systems (on a historical basis) with 15- to 44-year histories for a cost of about $12 a piece. When you consider that black-box (undisclosed) trading systems go for $3,000 to $5,000 per copy these days, it’s almost unthinkable that you’d get this much for such a small cost, but that’s what Meyers Analytics offers.

Systems & Indicators incarnates Dennis Meyers’ articles that have been published over the years in STOCKS & COMMODITIES, in which Meyers presents fully backtested systems and indicators. Version 1.0 contains 12 of these little jewels. All of the systems and indicators in the package have been updated, changed or improved since original publication. Naturally, we requested the full package with the data series that goes with them. You can order upgrades for existing and new systems for $35 a pop.

Meyers, a Contributing Editor for STOCKS & COMMODITIES, holds a doctorate in applied mathematics from the engineering department of UCLA. He taught there for a year, during which time he formulated and developed derivative securities models. Later, in New York, he put those models to work advising institutions on derivative and risk-adverse trading strategies, and after that, in Chicago, where his options firm used the evolving computerized models for market-making. Today, he’s a member of the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), a private trader and president of Meyers Analytics. STOCKS & COMMODITIES readers have already benefited from the work and wisdom that Meyers has imparted in the magazine, where he’s been steadily developing a series of systems and indicators using modern linear and nonlinear analytics and optimization techniques.

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