V.15:14 (623-624): OmniTrader,version 2.5 by John Sweeney
Product Description
OmniTrader, version 2.5 (Nirvana Systems, Inc.) Automated charting, training and trading software. by John Sweeney
Few programs go all out to
automate every aspect of
trading for the individual
speculator. The analytical
approach wherein you
specify every aspect of the treatment of
the data is the dominant paradigm for
software, perhaps because the founders
were, themselves, either analysts or programmers.
Ed Downs, the creator of OmniTrader,
has gone the other direction. Downs has
an engineering background in design
automation, a field that seeks to automate
computer chip design. Downs
wanted to automate the trading process,
and his company started out in 1991 by
creating utilities that automated various
aspects of other folks’ trading software
(MetaStock, AIQ and Telescan). All this
automation stuff eventually led to the
creation of OmniTrader, the goal of
which is to automatically produce buy
and sell signals based on certain analysis
techniques, which you then confirm
against the automatically generated visual aids (trendlines, candle patterns
and so forth). Not that you can’t use
OmniTrader to tweak.
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