V15:14 (659-662): Product Review: OptionStation, version 1.2 by John Sweeney

V15:14 (659-662): Product Review: OptionStation, version 1.2  by John Sweeney
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Product Description

OptionStation, version 1.2 by John Sweeney

As our current bull market draws more and more in-vestors and speculators, options volumes have surged. Volume on the Chicago Board of Options Exchange (CBOE), for example, is growing by more than 20% a year, and its OEX and SPX vehicles accounted for 92% of the US index options market in 1996. Concomitantly, options evaluation software has proliferated. OptionStation has been out for about a year now, and, after having undergone several revisions, is now a genuine competitor in what was formerly a niche market. Omega Research now packages it with SuperCharts Real Time, which is included as a component.

What do you get in OptionStation? For starters, an options calculator. After you download end-of-day or real-time data, it figures the profitability, volatility and sensitivity of a proposed or existing options position. OptionStation, through the server or downloader, does allow storing of any historical data the user cares to store. Through the SuperCharts component, the user can perform volatility studies that access and use historical data.

Now, the most important question: How well does the program perform options analytics? When evaluating a position, options traders want to know what’s likely to be profitable and how sensitive an options position is to the most likely market changes. Options traders want software that quickly finds profitable alternatives (assuming you don’t have those in mind already) and answers sensitivity questions quickly and clearly.

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