V.15:14 (631-632): ULTRA Market Advisor, version 4.13 by John Sweeney

V.15:14 (631-632): ULTRA Market Advisor, version 4.13  by John Sweeney
Item# \V15\C14\PR631.PDF
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Product Description

ULTRA Market Advisor, Version 4.13 for Windows (ULTRA Financial Systems). Collection of timing systems for stocks, bonds and gold. by John Sweeney

If you’re a market timer (and what technician isn’t?), you might appreciate a collection of timing tools gathered from heavy thinkers in the field. Expanding his reach, timing enthusiast Steve Hunter offers such a collection in the latest version of his market timing software package, The ULTRA Market Advisor. Although it’s targeted at institutions, money managers and sophisticated (that is, well-financed) investors, it’s priced for the masses. Hunter has assembled 40 of his favorite trading systems, many of which were originally published elsewhere, and programmed them based on backtests against the DJIA, S&P 500, OTC, Value Line, NYSE, the Dow Jones 20 bonds and the Gold Mining Index (GMI). You can tweak the trading parameters in some of the systems, but not all, and you can easily get respectable signals from those provided.

The ULTRA Market Advisor has expanded since we last reviewed it in February 1994. Now it includes the gold and bond markets as well as equities. Moreover, the rules for calculating the indicators and buy/sell signals are disclosed, allowing you to check your results. Trading frequency ranges from years to weeks.

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