V.15:14 (696-699): Product Review: Performance Summary Plus/Portfolio Evaluator by John Sweeney
Product Description
Performace Summary Plus/Portfolio Evaluator, Verson 2.1, Revision 86 (RINA Systems, Inc.). Software for analyzing trading system or market performance and for highlighting areas for improvement. Requires TradeStation or SuperCharts. by John Sweeney
Reading a trading system
performance summary can
be dry work. As more and
more systems produce
more and more elaborate
summaries, the work becomes truly stultifying.
Sometimes you must drive
through ranks of measures and statistics
that have been computed at the request
of someone, sometime, somewhere, but
the summary results can lack an overall
theme or paradigm for easy performance
analysis. Getting your results into a format
that really helps you modify your
system or practices can be a challenge.
Portfolio Evaluator from RINA Systems
(RINA stands for Research Investments
Analytics) doesn’t beat all these
issues, but as a comprehensive performance analysis package, it certainly
helps the user to start identifying what
counts and what to use. The package
actually contains two levels of software,
moving from basic to advanced:
Performance Summary Plus Professional
and Portfolio Evaluator, and you
choose which level of software you
want to register for and purchase. I took
a look at the highest-level software,
Portfolio Evaluator. Performance Summary
Plus Professional allows you to
evaluate your trading system on one
market, while Portfolio Evaluator gives
you the ability to test your trading system
on many markets combined, as well
as individual markets. Portfolio Evaluator
also allows you to combine several
trading systems to analyze their joint
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