V.15:14 (614-615): Futura Pro by Staff Writer
Product Description
Futura Pro (Level-13, Inc.) by Staff Writer
Futura Pro from Level-13 is
a rare bird indeed: It’s a
new package that makes explicit
forecasts of price ac-tion.
Most trading software computes
the current value of myriad indicators,
but making an actual forecast? You don’t find that too often. To add to the
exotic nature of this black-box product,
it uses mysterious algorithms said to be
founded in “three forecasting methods”
from Level-13’s larger data analysis
and visualization package named
Majqanda (pronounced mu-jan-dah).
(See sidebar, “Majqanda.”)
If you typically pass up black-box
forecasts, then this product may not be
your cup of tea. But Futura’s attraction
is that it’s duck simple to operate. You
open the program, import some ASCII or
MetaStock data, press one button to
have Futura figure the optimal analytical
window in the data, and press another to
forecast. Shazam! You’ll be looking at
something similar to Figure 1.
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