V.15:14 (633-637): AIQ TradingExpert, version 3.21 by John Sweeney

V.15:14 (633-637): AIQ TradingExpert, version 3.21  by John Sweeney
Item# \V15\C14\PR633.PDF
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Product Description

AIQ TradingExpert, Version 3.21 for Windows (AIQ Systems). Software to screen and time the trading of stocks and the overall market. by John Sweeney

AIQ TradingExpert for Windows combines rules for the general market and rules for stocks into one program for screening your stock universe and timing trades in the indices or issues. It also provides facilities for group and sector analysis as well as full data handling, graphics display and indicator selection.

The trading model isn’t doing too badly, either. A newsletter called The Fund Alert edited by AIQ chief analyst Dave Vomund held the 12th-ranked spot for 1996 in Timer Digest and was rated fourth for the three-year period 1994 through 1996. His relatively simple trading strategies implemented since 1992 have showed annual compound growth rates in the 22% range through 1996.

Since we last reviewed AIQ in November 1995, the program has evolved steadily to bring in the ability to technically (though not fundamentally; that capability is an $88 add-on) screen and evaluate entire sectors and groups of stocks just as you would an individual stock. Because this ability includes the application of breadth measures (such as advance/decline, TRIN, the high/low indicator and the summation index), it makes possible the application of expert rules to these groups and sectors, along the lines used for the market and individual stocks. This new feature also allows you to create lists of stocks that mimic the performance of, say, a mutual fund or some other target portfolio. The expert rules used for groups and sectors can also be applied to your own specified groups of stocks.

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