V. 1:5 (108-109): Letters to Technical Analysis
Product Description
Letters to Technical Analysis
This column is our means of communicating wit our subscribers and serves as an outlet for questions and
answers. Please feel free to write about anything that you would like to know more (or less) about or pass
along to the rest of us. We all run across trading techniques, services and products that have proven to be
useful to some degree underd different market conditions. Without a constant source of new ideas and
subject matter coming from our readers this magazine would not exist. Each issue is designed to hold at
least one idea or clarify one subject that COULD justify your subscription cost.
Dear Mr. Hutson,
Enclosed is my application for Technical Analysis . I just received Volume I, Number 1, and really
enjoyed it. I especially enjoyed your article on "How I Done It", this is very practical. I would enjoy a
more complete analysis of the Stochastic and Channel index indicators (I didn't receive Commodities
Magazine in 1980, would you mind sending my a copy of that article by Don Lambert.)
Do you have, or will you have any meetings in the Seattle, Tacoma area? I would like to get a hand on
evaluation of computer evaluation. From what I've read, the IBM 16 BIT computers are more ideally
designed for sophisticated software and yet it seems that most software is for the Apple II. I've been using
a Hp41CV but want to get a computer soon. I have just been trading commodities for a year now and am
anxious on how to design my own set of indicators just like you said you did.
I have been using RSI and Directional Indicators of Wilder's and am anxious to learn more.
Thank you for your assistance.
Morton, WA
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