V. 11:13 (540-541): Quick-Scans: INTRODUCTION TO NEURAL NETWORKS

V. 11:13 (540-541): Quick-Scans: INTRODUCTION TO NEURAL NETWORKS
Item# \V11\C13\B540.PDF
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Product Description


Design, Theory, and Applications

Author: Jeannette Lawrence

California Scientific Software

10024 Newton Road

Nevada City, CA 95959


Published 1993, 324 pages, 5th edition, $30

For some, "neural network" is a term most often heard on Star Trek and "artificial intelligence" an insult. For others, however--fortunately --both are terms that signify a new age has begun and is changing our lives very, very rapidly. Introduction to Neural Networks, written by Jeannette Lawrence and published by California Scientific Software (makers of the BrainMaker neural network development system), appears to have adjusted well to the changing new order. To keep up with the developments, California Scientific Software has updated this book every year since its inaugural printing in August 1988.

Author Lawrence begins by explaining that neural network research reflects the depth and complexity of the topic involved but adds that expert systems, "sometimes glamorized as an incredibly intelligent and complex technology," are not as difficult to comprehend as the subject matter might suggest. The trick is to find reading matter that can be understood without a technical dictionary to one side.

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