V. 11:13 (545-545): Quick-Scans: GUIDE TO BUSINESS NUMERACY

V. 11:13 (545-545): Quick-Scans: GUIDE TO BUSINESS NUMERACY
Item# \V11\C13\B545.PDF
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The Economist

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

605 Third Avenue

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Phone: 800 CALL WILEY (US), 800 263-1590 (Canada)

238 pages, $37.95 clothbound, $17.95 paperbound, 1993

If you're not sure what "numeracy" is, you should probably pick up The Economist's Guide to Business Numeracy.

"Numeracy" is that state of being numerate, which means you can count. Nowadays, at least in the British press, its scope of the term has expanded to "being sophisticated about the meaning of concepts or arguments presented numerically" or, possibly, being unintimidated by the avalanche of numbers flowing through our society's channels of communication.

Traders are subjected to numerical intimidation as much as anyone, particularly with the increasingly abstract indicators being cobbled together these days. At its extreme, today's trend asks us to interpret the meaning of the weights in a neural net, a certain exercise in skepticism.

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