V. 10:14 (599-605): Omega TradeStation Version 2 by William Blau

V. 10:14 (599-605): Omega TradeStation Version 2 by William Blau
Item# \V10\C14\P599.pdf
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Product Description

Omega TradeStation Version 2 by William Blau

TradeStation is one of a new genre of computer programs designed specifically for intraday traders to handle daily and other user-supplied historical data. As a Windows 3.0 application, it has much of what the current computer state of the art has to offer. As such, it has all the advantages of Windows-based programs.


There are three components of installation: installing the FNN receiver, installing Microsoft Windows 3.0, and finally, installing Omega TradeStation itself. My equipment included a 386-25 MHz DTK (IBM-compatible) computer with four megs of RAM, a math coprocessor (not required but supported) and an MS-compatible mouse with an ATI VGA Wonder video board. Installing Windows 3.0 was straightforward but tedious, due to my unfamiliarity with the software. The FNN receiver installation was also uneventful. TradeStation was then installed from within Windows. This was also easy and direct, following instructions on the monitor screen.

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