Stocks & Commodities V. 34:10 (38, 40–43, 62): A Chat With Stefanie Kammerman by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

Stocks & Commodities V. 34:10 (38, 40–43, 62): A Chat With Stefanie Kammerman by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Item# V34C10_306INTE
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Product Description

A Chat With Stefanie Kammerman by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

Known as “The Stock Whisperer,” Stefanie Kammerman has found her passion in sharing her trading secrets with others who are passionate about trading. She runs an online trading chat room in which she teaches thousands of students how to read the tape and spot the best levels to trade off. She shows participants how to spot when the big money is buying and selling and she stresses the importance of discipline. She can be contacted via her website at

STOCKS & COMMODITIES Editor Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan spoke with Stefanie Kammerman on August 5, 2016 to find out what it is about her that attracts so many traders.

How did you get interested in the financial markets, Stefanie?
In a way, you could say it started from the moment I was born, because my grandmother bought one share of IBM for me. As I got older, that one share intrigued me. I watched my one stock go up and down. It mostly went up and split a few times. If I hadn’t had that one share of IBM, I probably wouldn’t have been watching the market. I think everyone should buy their kids or grandkids some shares, even if it’s just one or two shares, to get them to watch and become aware of the markets.

It wasn’t until after I got out of college that my interest in the markets turned into a career. I majored in psychology, which I loved ...

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