Stocks & Commodities V. 31:7 (39): Q&A by Don Bright
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Q&A by Don Bright
Short selling revisited
You have written previously about the
idea of selling stocks short. I think I
understand the concept of profiting when
a stock’s price goes down, but I still am
unclear on some things. Perhaps you
can help me. I remember from years ago
something about an uptick rule. A friend
told me recently that we don’t need to
worry about that rule any longer. To be
honest, I’m not even sure what that term
means; is it something I need not worry
about these days?
Another question is about stocks that
cannot be shorted because they are
“hard to borrow.” What does this mean?
Is this something that would affect my
desire to sell stocks short to make money
on the downside? I think the market is
way too high and will likely go down
— Jlong, Denver, CO
Okay, my friend, first off I have to
respond to your last comment about the
market being too high. The Street is paved
with ex-traders who thought the market
was too high
about 3,000
Dow points ago! Be careful with
your directional
direction (stubbornly, especially) is how
we lose new people from time to time.
You might check Tesla Motors (TSLA)
as an example of a “short squeeze” (look
back at a May 2013 chart of TSLA).
Regarding your questions about
short selling and the details of how it
all works: Traders tend to think of buying
and selling simply as entry and exit
points. Sometimes we buy first, then sell.
Sometimes we sell (short) first, then buy
back. It doesn’t make much difference to
us, since stocks tend to go up and down
each day, week, month, and so on. If I
buy something at $30.40 and sell it at
$30.90, I make 50 cents on, say, 1,000
shares, or $500. If I sell (short) something
at $30.90 and buy it back at $30.40, I
again make the same $500. That part is
pretty straightforward.
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