Stocks & Commodities V. 29:10 (58-61): Product Review: TBO Advanced Chart Pattern Recognition by Donald W Pendergast Jr

Stocks & Commodities V. 29:10 (58-61): Product Review: TBO Advanced Chart Pattern Recognition by Donald W Pendergast Jr
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Product Description

Product Review: TBO Advanced Chart Pattern Recognition by Donald W Pendergast Jr

Discretionary trading is still the preferred manner of attempting to extract profits from the financial markets for many traders, despite the ever-growing popularity of systems, high-frequency, and algorithmic trading methods. One of the most useful skills for the serious discretionary trader is the ability to accurately scan the markets for technical chart patterns that are close to completion, thus offering the opportunity to include other confirmation tools and/or system signals that can provide a trader with a much higher degree of confidence when trading today’s volatile and highly fragile markets (stop and consider last year’s flash crash, if you doubt that the markets can be extremely fragile). TimBukOne offers a unique and multifaceted standalone software product called Tbo Advanced Chart Recognition Pattern (Tbo Acpe) software that runs on MetaStock or AmiBroker (along with several other data providers) end-of-day (Eod) data, and that is the subject of this review.

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