Stocks & Commodities V. 29:10 (12-18): The JK HiLo Index by Jay Kaeppel

Stocks & Commodities V. 29:10 (12-18): The JK HiLo Index by Jay Kaeppel
Item# 160KAEPPDF
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Product Description

The JK HiLo Index by Jay Kaeppel

No single indicator will accurately forecast or coincide with every market top or bottom. Here, two indicators have been combined to form one indicator that can increase your chances of identifying buy or sell points.

AS a student of the market, I have crunched a few numbers over the years. At the same time I have tried, and cautioned others also, to avoid the temptation to divide one number by another or multiply one number by another simply because we can.

Not every calculation involving market indicators enjoys any real purpose. In addition, many indicators react in a manner similar to other indicators. Almost all overbought/oversold indicators tend to get more oversold as the market declines and more overbought as the market rallies. So stringing together more than a handful of similar indicators does not necessarily provide any additional benefit.

Still, when paired together, even similar indicators can be different enough in their construction and interpretation to be useful sometimes. This article details an indicator I have dubbed the “JK HiLo” index (or Jkhl for short).

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