Stocks & Commodities V. 28:10 (66-67): Websites For Traders: DailyFX by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

Stocks & Commodities V. 28:10 (66-67): Websites For Traders: DailyFX by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Item# 199WSPDF
Availability: In Stock

Product Description

Websites For Traders: DailyFX by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan, a part of, provides news and analysis of the foreign exchange markets, updated during the trading day. A quick glance at the tabs toward the top of the home page gives you a good idea of the features available on the website.

Recently, Fxcm launched the DailyFX Trading Course, designed to educate forex traders via video-based tutorials. This course is available free to all Fxcm clients. The course can be accessed via the DailyFX website. You do need a username and password to gain access to the course as well as some other features, to be discussed here.


Once you are logged in, the trading signals page, which is under the forex trading signals tab, will open up by default (Figure 1). The trading signals page displays alerts, trade details, and strategy performance information. You have the option of filtering alerts based on strategies, currency pairs, and time frames. The strategies include breakout, range, and momentum. There are various currency pairs you can select using the dropdown menu, and your choices for time frames are short, medium, and long term.

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