Stocks & Commodities V. 25:2 (79): Quick-Scans: The Forewarned Investor by Bruce R. Faber

Stocks & Commodities V. 25:2 (79): Quick-Scans: The Forewarned Investor by Bruce R. Faber
Item# \V25\c02\040QS1.pdf
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Product Description

Stocks & Commodities V. 25:2 (79): Quick-Scans: The Forewarned Investor by Bruce R. Faber

Since the dawn of equities, investors have been made fools of over and over again by corrupt chief executive officers (CEOs). Most CEOs rise to the top of the corporate ladder because they are the cream of the crop. However, some CEOs rise because they are the most active scum. In this book of revelation, authors Messing and Sugarman paint a clear picture of how such scum scams the investors and steals millions from those who place their trust, their hard-earned dollars, and their life savings into the companies these rogues control.

This is not your average dry reading of Wall Street charts and numbers. I found it fascinating. In 30 seconds I was hooked. Granted, the “rogue CEOs” (which is how the authors refer to these corporate felons) are savvy and sharp as needles. In fact, some of them are the smartest guys in the room. But even if they are smart they still need help in order to be able to sink to the depths of disgust they all eventually attain. This guide shows how the rogues did their dirty deeds and what informed investors might have done to save at least a part of their investments.

The scariest part? Even today, much of what the authors describe as dangerous is still blatantly evident in some circles of power. The authors lay out the basic formulas for fraud...

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