Stocks & Commodities V. 25:2 (14-18): Forex Focus: Is Gold A Hedge Against A Falling Dollar? by John L. Momsen

Stocks & Commodities V. 25:2 (14-18): Forex Focus: Is Gold A Hedge Against A Falling Dollar? by John L. Momsen
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Stocks & Commodities V. 25:2 (14-18): Forex Focus: Is Gold A Hedge Against A Falling Dollar? by John L. Momsen

Access to foreign exchange trading has opened up exciting trading options for the retail trader. You can now trade alongside corporations and institutions in a highly liquid market that is global, traded around the clock, and highly leveraged. Before jumping into this market, however, we must understand the factors that affect the forex market. With that in mind, STOCKS & COMMODITIES has introduced Forex Focus to better prepare the retail trader to participate in the currency market.

Is gold the great investment its said to be? Lets take a look.

The other day I turned on the radio to listen to my favorite radio show. It was still a bit early, so airing was an advertisement for one of those gold investment firms. Lately, they seem to be all over radio and television. So I listened to what the ad had to say, which basically was, Gold is a hedge against inflation! Gold is a hedge against a falling dollar! Gold offers terrific profit potential and appreciation!

What I heard was normal advertising rhetoric. However, since I have an affinity for the gold market (we both began trading on the futures exchanges at about the same time) and have always been interested in researching various investment vehicles, I decided to investigate the ads claims. Gold began to trade on the American futures exchanges in late 1974, so I used data on spot gold from the December 31, 1974, close through the August 31, 2006, close. The period of nearly 32 years of data spanned enough time periods for me to get a true research picture on the claims in the advertisement.


First, I decided to investigate the claim that gold is a hedge against inflation. A hedge can be considered to be something that protects you against a financial loss. Simply stated, this means that gold will increase at or above the rate of inflation, thus protecting the buying power of your investment.

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