Chapter 1 (January 2017)

Stocks & Commodities V. 35:01 (7, 42): Letters To S&C by Technical Analysis, Inc.
Stocks & Commodities V. 35:01 (8–11): Use Seasonality To Optimize Algorithmic Strategies by Karl Montevirgen
Stocks & Commodities V. 35:01 (12–15, 31): The Anatomy Of A Brexit Appointment by Eva J. Tompkins and Jody Wong
Stocks & Commodities V. 35:01 (16–18, 49): Be Your Own Hedge Fund by John Ehlers and Ric Way
Stocks & Commodities V. 35:01 (20–22, 58): Ichimoku Charts by Rudy Teseo
Stocks & Commodities V. 35:01 (24–26, 46): Earnings—Will Performance ‘Trump’ Fundamentals? By Bani Arora
Stocks & Commodities V. 35:01 (28–29): ETF Sector Investing by Leslie N. Masonson
Stocks & Commodities V. 35:01 (30–31): Futures For You by Carley Garner
Stocks & Commodities V. 35:01 (32): Explore Your Options by Tom Gentile
Stocks & Commodities V. 35:01 (34, 36–37): The Brains Behind A Trading System: Denis Globa by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Stocks & Commodities V. 35:01 (38–39, 47): Q&A by Rob Friesen
Stocks & Commodities V. 35:01 (40–41): Review: by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Stocks & Commodities V. 35:01 (44–46): What Now For Banks? By Koos van der Merwe
Stocks & Commodities V. 35:01 (48–49): Mean-Reversion Daytrading by Ken Calhoun
Stocks & Commodities V. 35:01 (50–54): Traders’ Tips by Technical Analysis, Inc.
Stocks & Commodities V. 35:01 (58): Books For Traders by Technical Analysis, Inc.
Stocks & Commodities V. 35:01 (60–62): How Feelings Influence Your Trading by Claudio Demb

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