V.10:14 (649-651): Viking 5.12 by Technical Analysis, Inc.

V.10:14 (649-651): Viking 5.12 by Technical Analysis, Inc.
Item# \V10\C14\VIKING.PDF
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Product Description

Viking 5.12 by Technical Analysis, Inc.

DELPHI ECONOMICS 8 Bonn Place Weehawken, NJ 07087 (201) 867-4303 Product: Integrated charting, trading model builder, day-to-day trading signal monitor. Also has options calculations Q and portfolio maintenance functions. Price: $495 Requirements: Not specified. Probably IBM compatible, 512K RAM or more, 20 megabyte (MB) hard disk. Datafeeds: None, but can read data from I .P. Sharp, Telemet America, Data Broadcasting Corp., Warner Computer Systems, MetaStock, CompuTrac, C SI

"Viking? I think it's an inhouse program that Delphi Economics whipped together. Looks like they built it up over time and then recast it some for commercial consumption. "Not bad, but a little rough around the edges. Pretty fast, okay graphics, a handy but simple trading system module that does have some unique built-in functions. Options features are limited. Looks best for stocks—it even has a simple portfolio tracker. Some arcane terminology. The 'manual' is a tutorial—which is usually a good idea—but sometimes it switches to true manual mode. No index, small table of contents. No reference section. Data download isn't built in—a subprogram to access other databases is provided. Technical support was slow in coming, to be expected from a three-person company.

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