V.10:14 (625-628): QuoteMaster Pro 1.63 by John Sweeney

V.10:14 (625-628): QuoteMaster Pro 1.63 by John Sweeney
Item# \V10\C14\P625.pdf
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Product Description

QuoteMaster Pro 1.63 by John Sweeney

Macintosh users have been blessed of late with more and more packages of software that take advantage of the Mac's high-resolution screens, easy use and superb memory management. Nearly every analytical function can now be performed on your Mac, and Strategic Planning Systems has made second-tosecond quote monitoring easy. Here at STOCKS & COMMODITIES, we installed QuoteMaster 1.6 with the idea that it would be a convenient accessory to keep us up to date during the day. We had previously reviewed and used many of the systems that can access Signal on DOS machines, packages that came with every imaginable bell and whistle. Surprise! QuoteMaster 1.6 turned out to be one of those handy items that ends up being a constant favorite.

QuoteMaster Pro will truly run in the background. Given the superiority of MultiFinder or System 7 on the Mac, this wasn’t an unheard-of achievement, but it is nice. Background applications I’d used on the DOS machines generally had some problems, though they are getting fewer. Given that you buy the memory to dedicate to QuoteMaster Pro to leave your computer on, you’re going to have full charting and analytics instantly available while using your machine for workaday tasks.

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