V.10:14 (620-625): OptionVue IV by John Sweeney
Product Description
OptionVue IV by John Sweeney
Initially reviewed OptionVue in 1988 and rated it the Cadillac of the retail options programs. It's now in
version 1.28 (does that mean 28 updates?) and there's nothing to indicate it's ready to give up its lead.
I recently sought out the program for review again because I had heard that it now had a real-time (via
Signal) capability that I wanted to see in action. The version I had looked at before required a daily input
of recent underlying prices, which was tedious. Were things easier in the new version? I had to look.
OpVue does a ton of work for you. It
keeps track of all the options specifications.
It figures all the expiration dates
and calculates the number of days to
expiration. It figures margin requirements
for you. It generates the codes to
send to the Signal receiver for quotes.
As options expire, the program automatically
deletes them and adds a new
expiration month following the pattern
you’ve set up. It evaluates — literally
— every conceivable strategy at once
and pops up a list of the best risk/return
combinations based on your forecast of
the underlying price movement and your
personal emphasis on risk or return as
the primary considerations, as well as
the amount of money you want to sink
into the proposed position.
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