V.10:14 (629-630): The Equalizer 2.3 by John Sweeney

V.10:14 (629-630): The Equalizer 2.3 by John Sweeney
Item# \V10\C14\P629.pdf
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Product Description

The Equalizer 2.3 by John Sweeney

As a rule, editors are all for surprising you (pleasantly or not), so I felt my usual dutiful amazement when STOCKS & COMMODITIES honcho Thom Hartle laid The Equalizer on me. Being a futures trader, all I knew about Charles Schwab came from their ads in the financial press — "retail oriented," "stock oriented," "affordable" (that is, cheap), "computer-submitted trades" — since they don't deal in futures. I didn't anticipate a jolly time wading through everything in the 2.5-inch box planted squarely in the middle of my desk, especially to trade stocks, bonds, mutual funds or stock options.

Well, you're never too old to learn. There is, it turns out, a pleasant, easy way to get information, enter trades and monitor your portfolio, and it's The Equalizer.

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