V.10:14 (611-614): DollarLink Version S4.2D by John Sweeney
Product Description
DollarLink Version S4.2D by John Sweeney
Ever since STOCKS & COMMODITIES signed up with Signal and vowed to review everything we had using Signal data, we've been falling behind. They're adding stuff faster than we can review. Plus, I found
myself jaded with the online mode. Having abandoned it personally years ago, I rediscovered some of
my antipathy to unending datastreams as I waded through different packages, liking some and disliking
I approached DollarLink with a little more optimism, having heard through the grapevine favorable
comments and enjoying talking to the real people who own and run the company. Far from being a
megacorporation with hundreds of overpaid programmers stepping on each others' code, DollarLink is a throwback to just a decade ago when one or two guys would hack together something exciting. Looks like it's still possible.
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