V.5:3 (89-92): Changing tides in the investment software market by Thomas A. Rorro

V.5:3 (89-92): Changing tides in the investment software market by Thomas A. Rorro
Item# \V05\C03\CHANGIN.PDF
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Product Description

Changing tides in the investment software market by Thomas A. Rorro

Remarkably, the investment software industry is on the threshold of a major transition. In the near future, it will no longer be economical to buy investment software. Instead you will be dialing up and renting the capability from one of the national timesharing services. Even today, we see the genesis of these changes. They are beginning slowly at first but the economics are such that the tide must sweep the marketplace.

To explore the issues which surround the investment software industry, let us consider the techniques described in the three previous articles entitled "Assessing Risk on Wall Street" (Stocks & Commodities, Oct., Nov., Dec. 1986). These articles present the Random Walk theory of investment analysis in a form which is suitable for computer implementation. Given these articles, let us assume that the reader has developed a desire to use this analysis technique or a similar capability.

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