V.1:5 (114-120): December Treasury Bonds by JESSE H. THOMPSON/Technical Analysis staff writer
Product Description
December Treasury Bonds
by JESSE H. THOMPSON/Technical Analysis staff writer
Interest rate futures are always interesting to chart as well as to trade. Aside from the speculative aspects
of interest rate futures, it is also valuable to know how much a lender is going to charge to let loose of his
cash for awhile. For trading purposes the December and June Treasury Bond contracts are good vehicles
to employ. I also find a quarterly Dow Jones 20 bond chart dating back to 1966 and a monthly chart of
the long term Treasuries (15 years or more) are helpful.
The following trades or positions were taken with a primary emphasis on staying in harmony with price
and trend activity. The only tools used were: a monthly swing chart*, a weekly and daily bar chart, a daily
swing chart, divisional factors of time, divisional factors of a price range and a basic understanding of
price formation and trend activity.
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